SAVE THE DATE: Saturday October 4th FARM SHINDIG starting at 4pm potluck, cider pressing and outdoor movie (weather permitting). Rain or shine event. Bring a tent if you want to crash or reserve the RV or cabin :)
So, it turns out that all of our prayers, rain dances and wishes for rain from 2013 and 2012 have culminated to the incredible downfall of 2014. It is hard to complain about something you have given so much effort into desiring for so long but alas, there is too much of a good thing sometimes. The ducks sure are happy though :) The potatoes have suffered a bit but there is plenty still growing and doing well. The chickens will be processed in about 6 weeks so start cleaning out those freezers!
We have found ourselves well into the days of comfort foods. In face, I even had chill for lunch, LUNCH! It must be fall. Celeriac soup (CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO ENLARGE THE RECIPE) is a favorite around here. You can really make a soup of this sort out of any root veggie and add more varieties if you like. Another good one is potato leek, or carrot pumpkin.
We are SO excited about the solar project that has sprung up on our farm. It will provide all the electricity needs for our farm and our home. We believe in going green and now we have taken another giant leap forward in the right direction. YOU can feel even better about the produce you eat from our farm because there will be less fossil fuels spent in their production!