Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Gift of a Sibling

Aida, Caleb and Arlo have a connection only siblings enjoy
 I specifically remember a conversation with my husband in 2009 when we discussed whether or not Arlo would have a younger sibling.  He already had an older brother and their bond was strong but they are also 7 years apart which has its own set of interesting dynamics.  It was a very brief conversation and there wasn't really a clear "answer".... and then there was.  A sibling was on the way so ready or not he was becoming the middle child and we would be a family of 5. 
  I know that not all families have close relationships and not all siblings are friends (Cain and Abel) however, Craig and I both are extremely close with our siblings and we hope this rings true for our 3 children too. 
Your sibling is your personal link to the deepest most enduring friendships available on this planet.  Whether you share genes or were hand selected to be a part of the same family, you have a friendship that includes your greatest and most challenging memories. 

Here are my top 5 reasons having a sibling is a true gift:

1.  They are yours
The fact that you have a sibling, that they just simply exist is the first building block to your enduring friendship.  It doesn't matter if you were born from the same parents, were adopted, shared or borrowed.  Together you are a part of the same family.  You shared a your room, dining table, clothes, campfire stories, laughs, fights and tears.  You are theirs and they are yours.  Because of this ownership, there are no take backs or are pleasantly stuck together until death and even then your connection lives on (see #5). 

2.  They know all your secrets
Remember when you had that boyfriend and you would sneak out of the basement window to meet up?  How about when you fled from the police when that swim team party was busted and your sibling covered for you as you snuck in way past curfew? *any resemblance to true stories is simply coincidence
They know yours and you know theirs so this is an effective way to ensure you stay best friends because without that trust you'd both have your secrets broadcasted.  It is a form of insurance. 
Seriously though.  They know things about you maybe no one else on the planet is aware of and these stories make up the entire you.  The whole you.  Isn't it amazing to have someone who knows all of these things about you and loves you anyway?

3.  They have your back
Whatever weather or middle of the night disaster, your sibling is there for you no matter the distance between you.  Pick up the phone or drive over, they are there to answer and open the door to whatever it might be you are facing.  They understand all of your challenges because (see #1) they are yours and they (see #2) know all of your history.  They don't even need to talk because they have the gift of presence and can calm you just simply by being themselves and being there. 

4.  They can get away with ripping on your parents
This is something your neighbor, coworker or college roommate better never try and get away with!  Your sibling can jokingly work through all of the weirdness that is your parents.  Together you will come to a greater understanding of what your parents are and you can laugh about it and move on without hard feelings.  Plus they can give you a gentle knuckle punch in the shoulder when you are getting a little carried away when laughing at dad's whitey tighties.  Together you can poke fun at your roots while strengthening the bond that makes you a family.

5.  They will have kids that will be your kids' best friends
Caleb and Fayde-sons of brothers
Cousins.  Yes, we all need siblings that are our best friends and cousins are doubly that because they can satisfy #1 through #5 if you and your sibling do it right and hang out regularly for life.  These kids will be raised in the results that were the collective experiences of best friend siblings.  They will challenge you both in ways you are ready for (because you did exactly that) and in ways you have no idea how to handle. Who better to call than a sibling who may have parenting advice and experiences that can help you perfect your parenting skills?

Some people believe that you choose your family well before you are born and maybe there is nothing more evident of that idea than your enduring friendship with your sibling.  From the day you met you were destined to see through the years together despite your differences and distance so pick up the phone, write a note or walk next door and connect with your sibling - the gift that keeps on giving. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Natural Immune Support

Ahhh!  It's that time of year (you'll survive, I promise, almost 99.999% of the time, and just when you're wiping your brow thinking you are in the clear - another problem will surface to face-I promise that 100%).  Influenza season.  I say influenza because a ton of the population equate the common stomach bug with influenza calling both the flu when in reality they are very different beasts. 
Let's dive into some of the natural ways you can support your immune system to do what it is best at.  When it needs a little ammo, we'll look at ways to combat those bugs that develop a stronghold. 
Lastly, we'll look at the debate over vaccination-to do or not to do that is the question but we'll do that LAST because vaccination should not be your first line of defense. 

1.  WASH YOUR HANDS-the number 1 way to avoid illness
Before you eat, after you eat, every time you go to the bathroom and every chance you have in between.  Don't just run your hands under the water either, use warm water, soap and friction over a period of time (30 seconds) or it doesn't do the trick.  Hand sanitizer has its place but doesn't combat any nasty GI bug so you should not rely on this as your only way of hand cleansing.  Plus, it is laden
with chemicals and drying substances that can cause other problems.  Have your kids rub their hands together while singing the ABC's.   We like to make our own hand soap using castile soap, water and our favorite essential oils.  This leaves your hands soft but also cleansed and germ free without the chemicals and expense of store bought, toxic laden products. 
Here is our recipe:
Foaming hand soap
1/8 cup Wood's Castile Soap
10 drops of your favorite essential oil (we like the immune supporting blend containing clove, cinnamon, wild orange and eucalyptus)
fill to the top with water

2.  NUTRITION-"let food be thy medicine" Hippocrates knew what he was talking about!
Eat the rainbow-that is the easiest way to think about how to incorporate the right amount of veggies in your diet.  Veggies should be the bulk of your diet.  Grow as much of your own food as possible!  You would be surprised how much you can grow in a small city lot or even porch container garden.  Support your local farmers-their goods are more nutrient dense and insist on organic when you're able.  If you are looking into putting some food up for the winter, learn how to can and
consider freezing/dehydrating because those products will be healthier than the canned.  Also, store bought canned good may be coated on the inside with plastic that leaches chemicals into the food.  Incorporate fermented foods which contribute to intestinal health. There are multitudes of studies showing the consequences of inflammation on your body and weakening your immune system if one of them.  Avoiding sugar, grain and dairy are ways to strengthen your immune system and heal inflammation and your gut biome.  Nutrition is the first solid building block to wellness period.  We have seen great changes in our lives since learning about the Paleo way of life including weight loss, bowel regulation, mood improvement and changes in difficult behaviors.  Two great resources to check out are the books Against All Grain,  and The Whole 30.  You will see incredible benefits if you can complete the Whole 30 and then some (these books are available in our shop). 

3.  SLEEP-heal your body while you slumber
Sleeping is such an integral component to our health and you should spend on average of 36% of your entire life doing it! Most of us need to sleep more and sleep better.  Check out Russell Foster's TED talk about the importance of sleep-prepare to have your mind blown (then take a nap).  Don't fight sleep in the name of progress. I often think about how hard my kids sometimes fight sleep and how someday there will be a shift and they'll be desperately welcoming a spontaneous siesta and begging for another hour from their alarm clock. 

4.  GET OUTSIDE-move your body and breathe fresh air
Staying indoors increases your exposure to indoor pollutants and when you are sedentary, your lungs do not get the full expansion that contributes to their cleansing process.  When you exercise you also sleep better (see above).  Katie Bowman has a very innovative approach to exercise that goes well beyond what you've learned in gym class.  Check out her blog Nutritious Movement.

5.  SUPPLEMENT-sometimes you just need a boost
This time of year our family increases our intake of vitamin C, vitamin D(3) and probioticsSome research does show that supplementing your diet with probiotics can reduce illness!   Research the companies where you choose to purchase supplements from and don't mega dose yourself.  You can find good supplements that include all 3 however don't rely solely on your supplements to provide these necessary nutrients, start with dietary changes.  More is not better and can do more harm than good.  If you live in a northern climate, your vitamin D requirements may be more as well as if you spend much of your days inside. 

6.  NATURAL SOLUTIONS-increase the tools in your toolbox. 
We use our favorite therapeutic essential oils almost every day for various reasons: discomfort, seasonal respiratory support, mood management, immune support and more.  There are some oils I pull out at the first sign of needed support.  These oils aren't a magic snake cure however there is evidence supporting their effect on the body to support and promote it's natural process.  Message me if you'd like more information about the oils we use in our home! 
MULLEIN TEA: this is a staple in our home.  We harvest this wild all over the area where we live.  This tea is a potent agent against all blocked mucous so if you are needing to break up sinus or lung blockage, this is a great option and it also works wonders on clogged milk ducts!

7.  VACCINATION-to choose or not to choose
I am not going to tell you what to do, this is a decision that needs to be thought about thoroughly with a real look at research done by multiple sources.  Consider the plight of where the research is coming from and talk to your provider. Pro-vax and Anti-vax groups BOTH have an agenda and I strongly suggest ignoring both camps when you are making a decision.  When in doubt, wait!  If you choose to vaccinate, don't assume that you are 100% protected as not a single vaccination is that effective but they all have variances of effectiveness.  I really like The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears.  He proposes facts without an agenda and even offers ideas on vaccination schedule variances that may be reasonable. 

You know what they say about an ounce of prevention...explore the ideas above and start incorporating them into your lives and you should see an improvement in your health.  Sometimes there is nothing you can do to avoid illness but you can support your body through it.