Peppers have made a massive comeback! |
We have reached the middle of the CSA season and are now coasting downward for boxes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. We are starting to see a different variety of crops make appearances now as well. We like to think all vegetables are celebrity material but let's face it, we all have our favorites. As the seasons ebb and flow, we see subtle clues that connect us deeper with our local environment. Maybe the first heirloom tomatoes of the year make you go gaga as you whip up fresh salsa. It could also be the smell of the oven roasted stuffed peppers on a cool night that signals you to this time of year. Or maybe you put your baby on the bus for the first time and all three of your children are "big kids" now (I digress). Whatever signals this part of the year for you I am sure there is something you can connect with. We want to connect you closer with your food. We live in an environment where we fully experience all 4 seasons and each season and each part of it has a specialness that you can feel and sometimes even taste. Can you tell the difference between an early tomato shipped from Mexico when compared to a fresh, local heirloom? That is a small example of what I am referring to. Do you find yourself becoming more reflective, maybe turning in a little sooner and noticing the sun coming up later? There is another example.
Box day stations: you can see the hens working hard at their clean-up duties |
The second batch of meat birds have gone to butcher. We lost 1/3 of them to predation. That is a HUGE LOSS. What in the world was feasting on our birds this summer? 2 main predators were caught in action: Feral cats and Bald Eagles...yes, that's exactly what I said. Please spay and neuter your cats folks, you may be making a huge impact on your small time local farmer. You can't really do anything about the Eagles though, just watch their splendid flying tactics in amazement as they carry your dinner away. Next batch will be raised a bit closer to the house which has a much better track record with loss to predation.
Creative ways to encourage your child's writing: get a cast |
The foot saga continues for me, surgery #2 on the same dang foot. This has 99% eliminated my work position on the farm except for my time blogging. Less than a week out, I am sure this blog is partially seasoned with the after effects of anesthesia. I am so grateful for our friends who devote time here to help us and for Craig's "sun up sun down" mentality and then some work ethic. I hope to be back in the fields next season, hopefully barefoot.
Yes, the kiddos are back to school this week. It is a pretty pivotal moment when you watch your baby leave for school all day. What people call "bittersweet" and we are again so happy to have a nearby local school run by amazing teachers who are there for all the right reasons and there is no definitive sign of them closing so if you have littles and are looking for a different public school experience you should really pop by and visit
Vesper Community Academy.
Thank you for your support, we couldn't farm without you! We encourage you to spend a few moments and think about what cues you into a deeper connection with your food and your home environment.
Boys on the Tandem