Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Box 2 Perspectivve

Well things are really rebounding around here after a couple weeks of hot, dry weather.  And with a few freezers full of plump chickens, things are looking up here at VG for the second half of the season.  The weather has claimed a few casualties and a few battles, but the war goes on, and reinforcements are on the way.
The season changes quickly with a bi-monthly CSA, and we are going to be getting into new stuff for box 3 like carrots, zucchini, cucumbers and blueberries  as well as more basil and chard. Next comes salsa season and the prime veggie time of the year!
Saturday, 7/20 we will be hosting a weeding extravaganza at the farm after dinner until sundown.  Arrive after 6pm and help fight the war on weeds for a couple hours.  Refreshments will be available, as well as a chance to socialize with other members and their families.  This would be another chance for you to pick up some of your chickens too if you'd like. Please call or email us with any questions.