Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rolling right along with box 3

garlic scape and basil pesto-we wait all year for the scapes to make one of our favorite delicacy recipes

     We are just past the nostalgic celebration of the 4th of July.  It seems our kids just won't quite make it late enough to catch the city fireworks but they are in their best  memory making behavior to do our own show on the farm just as the lightening bugs come out and the sun sets just over the forest to the west of our farm.  Do fireworks add nitrogen to the air for our plants as lightening does???  I don't know the answer to that question, but everything seems to be growing amazingly (even the weeds).

Laura weighing sweet peas
 We have spied a glorious bald eagle on our land as well recently...then we discovered a dead hen who seemed to have become a meal for this beautiful creature.  It is hard to see a hen go and you feel sad about the attack that happened however, it seems like ideal timing being the 4th and all and there is nothing quite so American as seeing a Bald Eagle freely take his meal.

Farmer Craig harvesting toddler carrots
Craig's leg is healing so nicely and even his duct tape bandages don't seem to be doing any harm so I am letting him be his own nurse for the time being, until the next crisis.  Caleb spent a week fishing in Canada and had a nice taste of their medical system (barbed hook through his thumb) and that entire ER visit in and out with numbing medication etc...was less than $ can't even walk into an ER in our country without paying at least double that.
We are having another amazingly perfect box day, the weather is warm with a cool, dry breeze that makes for easy work.  We are so happy to have dedicated box workers that come religiously to help on these days. Here are some pictures that show what we are up to today!